Photo time… Again!

By , May 4, 2010 4:03 pm

Jep! Another bunch of photos that you all like so much. 🙂 And that’s a good thing, cause I like showing them to you, so it’s a win-win situation!

They got some weird trees here in the park. Or well, not weird trees, but the trees grow in some mysterious ways at times!

We’ve got a lot of different animals in the park, as this bird for instance, looks a lot like a crow, but I’m not sure if it is. This one was a great poser though.

They might look bigger, but these alligators are just about 40 centimeters long, perhaps 50 centimeters at most. 🙂 Just chilling at the side of the road in some water at a culvert.

They got some crazy looking dragonflies and butterflies here in the park. I managed to get this shot from one of them while I was mountainbiking through the park with a housemate of mine.

That’s the side mirror of the car and me taking a picture of it and me taking a picture of the sideview mirror of the car. 🙂

Downtown Miami in clear view, on the US-1 going south. Me and Gordon had to do some shopping and I brought my camera, so I took a few shots of the roads, including this one.

Me and a housemate of mine went mountainbiking through the park last sunday. Which was pretty cool. Besides it being hot though. 🙂

Jep, the little blue truck takes me around. This was in the park, having walked for a little while, I came back to find the truck basking in the last sun of the day, so I had to take a picture of that, of course!

Well well, a downgoing sun makes for great silhouettes and a remote for my camera (which my brother gave to me! Thanks bro!) makes for great opportunities to take pictures of said sun and myself as the silhouette.

And that about wraps it up for this week’s phototime. Do tell what you think of the photos, as that’d be much appreciated! 🙂

Gotta get back to work again and prepare to set up my project in the field tomorrow. So expect an update about that as well, somewhere at the end of the week or beginning of next week. 🙂

5 Responses to “Photo time… Again!”

  1. Sithy says:

    Loving the pictures, especially that of the raven and the last pic <3

  2. Dik Tineke Lonneke says:

    There wasn’t much traffic on US-1 South,
    everybody on holiday ?
    Dik Tineke en Lonneke

  3. Tristan says:

    Thanks! Great pictures…….

  4. Otterman Stefan says:

    mooi foto’s .

    die vogel lijkt echt vreselijk veel op een Gaint Cowbird, maar dat kan hem niet zijn want die komen daar als het goed is niet voor.

    Maar hoe zit het met die olie vlek, gaat die nog invloed hebben op Florida , of gaat ie gewoon ergens anders de boel verpesten

  5. Storm says:

    Great Pictures Bud!

    Have fun over there and keep the pics comming 🙂

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